Here are some of my favorite drills. These are not all the drills I use and I will be adding more as time goes on. If you have an idea for a drill that should be added let me know and I will be happy to add it with a note of who suggested it. Make sure you give a brief description.
Kick on the Side:
You do freestyle kick on your side with the arm closest to the bottom is
extended straight out in front of you with your eyes on the bottom leading with
the top of your head
8 Kicks per side:
Same as Kick on your side but you take a freestyle stroke switching from one
side to the next while keeping your eyes on the bottom of the pool. You switch every 8 kicks. You take your breath while on your side and
your arms are not moving.
6 Kicks per side: Same as 8 Kicks per side
Super Shark Fin: This is very similar to 8 Kicks per side but
instead of your hand being at your side your top hand is touching the back of
your head with your elbow high. You do 8
kicks per side and switch.
Catch-up Free: Freestyle with your eyes on the bottom of the
pool where you do not take a stroke till your prior stroke has passed the hand
out in front. You do not touch one hand
on top of the other. The idea is to push
one hand pass the next
¾ Catch-up: Very similar to Catch-up free but instead of
pushing your hand passed the hand out front you start your next stroke as soon
as your hand enters the water.
Salute Drill: This is also a freestyle drill and with each
stroke you tap your hand just above your ear and then extend your hand out in
front just like you would in normal free
Tarzan: This is Head up Freestyle with your chin
resting on the surface. The focus is
keeping your head nice and still.
Human Paddle: Best way to describe this drill is long form
doggy paddle. Your eyes are on the
bottom of the pool with both hands extended out front. You bring one hand down through the catch and
extending it all the way passed your hip.
Bend your elbow and push your hand forward underwater. As you are doing that you start the catch
with the other hand. Focusing on fully
extending the stroke in the front and back.
Take a breath like you normally would to the side.
Kick on your side: Just like in freestyle except your eyes are
towards the sky
8 Kicks per side: Just like Freestyle again with your eyes on
the sky
6 Kicks per side: Same as above
L Drill: This is very similar to 8 or 6 kicks per side
except the hand that is at your side is now extended straight up to the sky.
Kick hands extended
to the sky: You are kicking flat on
your back with both hands fully extended so you have to focus on strong fast
feet otherwise you will sink!
Catch-up Backstroke: This drill can be done several ways. I like the catch-up to be with your hands
extended to the sky.
2 arm backstroke: Flat on your back you use both arms at the
same time. Focusing on surging down the
lane with each stroke.
Shot Gun Drill: This is a drill where you have one arm
extended in front of your head you bring the other hand up to 90 degrees, back
to your side and then a full stroke and switch sides. This drill is not to be done fast but you
want a strong switch from one side to the other.
Kick on your stomach: Both arms at your side and breathe each kick
3 Kicks 1 pull: this is a breaststroke drill where you take 3
kicks to each pull. As soon as you
finish the 3rd kick you must initiate your pull
2 kicks 1 pull: same as above
1 up 1 down: This drill you come off the wall you do one
underwater Pull-out and Kick and then break out with a strong pull and kick
before diving back down to do another underwater pull-out and kick. You repeat for whatever distance you deem
necessary. Most kids should do less the
5 full cycles of this per 25
Drill(Pronounced Rock Drill): This
is a drill I picked up from Roque Santos.
A former National Level Breaststroker.
This drill your head never goes under the water. Chin right on the surface with hands extended
out front. You are doing a freestyle
kick with FAST Feet. As soon as you are
balanced on the surface you go through a very fast Breaststroke stroke focusing
on fast hands and keeping your head from going up and down. The focus is on a fast recovery and
constantly keeping pressure on the water with your hands!
Surface Fly Kick: Butterfly kick on the surface with your arms
extended out in front. The focus is on
fast hip motion while remaining right on the surface with the top of your head
pointed in the direction you are going.
When you go for a breath get it on rhythm and fast
Sweep Drill:
your arms extended and your hands shoulder
width apart. As you are working that body roll you snap your hands down
through the entire underwater side of your fly stroke. Your hands stop extended
behind you and never recover your hands over the water. Each stroke you
want to take a breath as you initiate your stroke. You also recover your
hands forward underwater using between 3 or 5 fly kicks.
Drill: This drill is right arm fly with your left arm
extended out in front looking to press your right hand passed your left and
never coming inside your shoulder width. Next stroke is the same with
your Left arm. Then the Third stroke is with 2 Arms(both). Only breath on
the 2 arm stroke never breath on the one arm fly. You want to maintain
the same rhythm throughout the 25.
Drill: Three strokes
with your Right arm with your left arm extended out front looking to press your
right hand passed your left and never coming inside your shoulder width. Then 3 strokes with your left arm with your
right arm extended out front looking to press your left hand passed your right
and never coming inside your shoulder width.
Then 3 strokes with both arms!
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